Sunday, March 26, 2017

Äkki42 Jude Griebel

Jude Griebel is Äkkigalleria's artist in residency for one week in April 2017.
During his residency he produced the piece Plastic Ghost which was then shown in the Glass Elevator (mobile street container) on Kävelykatu Street in downtown Jyväskylä from April 6th to 17th, 2017.

In an era in which plastic waste is taking a significant toll on our oceans and landfills, this work elevates the disposable and unconsidered nature of plastic to the monstrous and the mythological. With empty eyes and a consuming mouth the work is both grotesque and playful, seeking to expand understandings of our impact on the world around us.

Jude Griebel – Plastic Ghost


Äkkigalleria 42

Lasikontti Kävelykadulla, Kauppakatu 20/29, Jyväskylä
Äkkigallerian residenssivieraaksi saapuu maaliskuun lopulla kanadalainen nykytaiteilija Jude Griebel. Griebel tunnetaan kantaa-ottavista veistoksistaan, joiden materiaaleina taiteilija käyttää sekä luonnosta löytämiään materiaaleja, että ihmisten kulutustavaroiden jäänteitä. Hän asuu ja työskentelee Berliinissä ja New Yorkissa.
Jyväskylän keskustassa kymmenen päivää esillä oleva teos Plastic Ghost kommentoi suhdettamme kulutukseen ja kuluttamisen oheistuotteina syntyvään yhä kasvavaan käsittämättömän suureen muovijätemäärään. Olemme kuluttamassa itsellemme kummitusta, joka ei tule jättämään meitä rauhaan seuraavienkaan vuosikymmenten kuluessa.
In an era in which plastic waste is taking a significant toll on our oceans and landfills, this work elevates the disposable and unconsidered nature of plastic to the monstrous and the mythological. With empty eyes and a consuming mouth the work is both grotesque and playful, seeking to expand understandings of our impact on the world around us.

Teos julkistetaan torstaina 6.4. Klo 19:30 Kävelykadulla. Tervetuloa!

Äkkigalleria 42
Jude Griebel – Plastic Ghost
Lasikontti Kävelykadulla, Kauppakatu 20/29, Jyväskylä

Monday, March 20, 2017

Äkkigalleria 41 – a stort film screening

Inner Nature ed. II, Ecological Consciousness

Inner Nature ed II, Ecological Consciousness

An outdoor screening of short films in Jyväskylä under the Ruusupuisto bridge.
Inner Nature is a compilation of international short films on the theme of Nature. A new series of films is curated annually, this screening shows the second edition of Inner Nature. The curators for this second collection are José Albelda, Lorena Rodríguez Mattalía, Chiara Sgaramella and Estela de Frutos. Äkkigalleria presented the first edition of Inner Nature in Finland 2015. 
This screening shows twenty one short films by international creators and is organized in collaboration with the Central Finnish Film Centre (Keski-Suomen Elokuvakeskus) and the Jyväsylä Art Museum.  
The short films will be shown on Saturday, March 25th at 7:30pm under the Ruusupuisto bridge. As with all Äkki-events we will offer something warm to drink. 
Remember to dress warmly, and bring along something soft/warm to sit on. The screening lasts about one hour. Following the screening please join us in turning off electronics for one hour in celebration of Earth Houria.
Saturday 25.03.2017
at 19:30–20:30
Under the Ruusupuisto Bridge