Sunday, May 31, 2015

Midnordic Cultural Days 2015 / Midnordic Cultural Prize

Äkkigalleria is proud to announce our participation in the Midnordic Cultural Days, June 1–3rd, 2015.

As recipients of the Midnordic Cultural Prize this year, we would like to thank all of you for your support/funding/collaboration through out the years, and we would especially like to thank all the artists without whom none of this would be remotely possible <3 br="">

It is an incredible honour to receive this international recognition from the Midnordic Committee.
Our humble thanks.

more information in Finnish

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Äkkigalleria 33 - Katustipendi 2015

Announcing this year's Katustipendi recipient: Jim Bachor from Chicago, USA.

Jim Bachor arrives in Jyväskylä on May 10th for a 5 day residency during which he will install two series of new streetart mosaics.

One series is being created for the Katustipendi and one as a commission from the city of Jyväskylä. The Katustipendi work will be unveiled on Saturday, May 16th at 4pm during the Yläkaupungin Yö festival.

You can follow the process of installation on Äkkigalleria's open facebook page or at #‎bachor‬ ‪#‎jimbachor‬ ‪#‎treatsinthestreets‬ ‪#‎2015potholeartinstallations‬ ‪#‎potholeart‬ ‪#‎potholemosaics‬ #äkki33 #katustipendi #yläkaupunginyö