2014 kortti: Mikko Keski-Vähälä
Äkkigalleria organized 7 exhibitions this year including one (Äkkigalleria's first) exhibition outside of Jyväskylä in Vancouver Canada. This year focused for the most part on residencies and exchanges. The first exchange was for Äkkigalleria 24 where a biologist worked together with 2 short-film animators from England. Another exchange was through Mexican artist Mazatl who brought a collection of political prints from the Justseeds collective and the La Convergencia Gráfica MALLA. Äkkigalleria collaborated with Vancouver gallerist from inital gallery to bring Finnish art to Vancouver Canada. And finally through our Photoannual residency artist, Carolina Cruz Guimarey, we ended the year with a shortfilm screening organized at the university of Valencia in Spain.
The 2014 residency artists were:
Emily Tracey
Lizzy Hobbs
Mikko Keski-Vähälä
Jussi Riihelä
Carolina Cruz Guimarey
Jussi Päivinen
Justseeds (Mazatl)
La Convergencia Gráfica MALLA (Mazatl)
inital Gallery (Julie Lee and Ron Regan)
Inner Nature (Estela de Frutos)
Maija Holma
Leena Kangaskoski
Antti Laitinen
Emma Lappalainen
Maria Teeri & Janne Nabb
Jukka Silokunnas
Lasse Ursin
Argelia Leodegario
Bec Young
Elizabeth Mota
Fernando Martí
Gandhi Noyola
Iseo Noyola
Jaime Villarreal
Jesús Barraza
Joel Martínez
Kevin Caplicki
Lilian Guigue
Lucía Vidales
Mariana Sasso
Marshall Weber
Melanie Cervantes
Roger Peet
Salvador Alba
Thea Gahr
Yobany Mendoza
Irene Cruz
Ria Green
Beatriz Ros
Cristina Omeñaca
Javier Artero
Manuel López García
Argenis Ibañez
Opn Studio
Matti Aikio
R. Sanchez Y A. Spentsas
Ada Kobusiewicz
Ruben Fuentes
Lucía Loren
Judith López Borobio
Kun Xiu
José Juan Martínez
María Ortega
Paola Correa
Mahmoud Khattab
Many thanks goes out to all who participated in Äkkigalleria during 2014!
We wish you all a creative 2015!!!