Äkkigalleria is holding a continuous call for artists from March 1st through August 1st, 2011. We are looking for artists interested in, or projects/artwork related to the following topics:
Wall Art: we are specifically looking for artists interested in reproducing or creating new ephemeral work directly onto a vertical wall surface. The will most likely be temporary and artist must understand that the work may not physically exist other than through documentation.
If you are interested in participating in an exhibition this year, your proposals must be submitted before May 1st, 2011.
Water: we are looking for any artwork/projects that consider the use, function, importance and necessity of water. We are particularly interested in politically charged work, however other approaches will also be considered.
If you are interested in participating in an exhibition this year, your proposals must be submitted before August 1st, 2011.
Other: we are always interested in hearing about your ideas and projects. Please feel free to send us information about your work at anytime: there is no deadline.
Projects will be selected throughout this time period from both project proposals and directly through project invitations. All project proposals will be considered and archived for future reference, even if they are not immediately chosen for these specific themes. The deadlines are meant as light guidelines and are subject to modification.
Proposals are free form and projects descriptions are accepted in Finnish, English, and French. Please include some kind of imagery with your proposal to :